How to Diagnosis GERD

More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month, and more than 15 million suffer from it daily, including many pregnant women. Recent research indicates that GERD in babies and children is more widespread than physicians previously assumed. It can produce vomiting that occurs repeatedly. It can also induce coughing and other respiratory issues. Your specialist will perform a physical examination and ask about your medical history to determine if you have Frisco GERD. Common symptoms may be managed without additional testing. Other GERD testing may include:

a.      EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) or upper endoscopy: This test examines the lining of your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. A narrow, illuminated tube is used in this test (endoscope). A camera is installed at one end of the tube. While you are sedated, the tube is inserted into your mouth and throat. It then travels via your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Your doctor can examine the insides of these organs. They can also obtain a tiny tissue sample (biopsy) if necessary.

b.      The Bernstein test: This test can determine whether your symptoms are caused by acid in your esophagus. A little acid is dropped through a tube put in your esophagus to examine if it gives the same symptoms. The Bernstein test is rarely used nowadays.

c.       Upper GI (gastrointestinal) series (barium swallow): This examination focuses on the organs of the upper section of your digestive system. It examines your esophagus, stomach, and the first section of your small intestine (duodenum). You will be given a metallic liquid called barium to drink. Barium covers the organs, allowing them to be seen on an X-ray.

d.      pH testing:  This test determines your esophagus’s pH (acidity level). A tiny plastic tube is inserted into your nostril, throat, and esophagus. A sensor in the tube measures the pH level. A wire connects the opposite end of the tube outside your body to a tiny monitor that records your pH levels for 24 to 48 hours.

e.       Impedance analysis: This test may detect acid reflux and nonacid fluids and air. It is possible with pH monitoring.

f.       Esophageal manometry: This examination assesses the muscular strength of your esophagus. It can determine if you have any issues with the backward fluid flow (reflux) or swallowing. A tiny tube is inserted into your nostril, your neck, and finally, your esophagus. The tube measures how much pressure your esophageal muscles exert when at rest.

Symptoms of GERD

The most frequent symptom of GERD is heartburn, often known as acid indigestion or acid reflux. Heartburn is a burning chest ache that begins beneath the breastbone and progresses to the neck and throat. It can last up to 2 hours. It frequently feels worse after eating. Also, heartburn can be caused by lying down or leaning over. Bringing swallowed food back to the mouth is another typical GERD symptom (regurgitation). Some people have difficulty swallowing. Heartburn is not a GERD symptom in most children under 12 and some adults. Instead, they may have a dry cough, asthma symptoms, or difficulty swallowing. The symptoms of each individual may differ. Other health issues might produce GERD symptoms. Always consult your healthcare practitioner to be certain.

GERD is a chronic condition that must be managed over time. Doctors frequently treat GERD with drugs and lifestyle modifications. Doctors may recommend surgery if symptoms do not improve. Call The Bariatric Experts or book a meeting online to learn more about GERD therapies appropriate for you.

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