The human nervous system is a crucial aspect of a person’s life since it contains nerves, the spinal cord, and the brain. Neurological disorders can interfere with the individual’s movement, thinking, senses, and talking. The symptoms usually vary according to the part which has been affected. However, regardless of the area, the person’s performance would be inhibited, limiting their performance. Oxnard neurocritical care is the best solution for individuals suffering from neurological illnesses. Every individual should have this information before starting the process.
Which symptoms require a neurologist?
The following are the symptoms that show that you require a neurologist.
· If you suffer coordination problems
· If you experience instances of confusion
· If you have muscle weakness
· When you experience a variation in sensation
· When you suffer from dizziness
The Neurological Procedures
The neurologist may conduct a neurological and physical exam in the first appointment. The neurological exam will test the patient’s coordination, muscle strength, and reflexes. However, since some disorders share the symptoms, the neurologist may require more testing to make an informed decision. These testing include;
Lumbar Puncture
This process tests the individual’s spinal fluid. The specialist carries out the procedure if they suspect the symptoms can be detected in the patient’s spinal fluid. The neurologist numbs you and inserts the needle to take a fluid sample.
Tensilon Test
The specialist carries out this procedure to diagnose the myasthenia gravis. The specialist usually injects the patient with Tensilon medicine and then observes how it will affect the individual’s muscle movements.
Electromyography (EMG)
The process measures the patient’s electrical activity from the brain or spinal cord to the peripheral nerve. The peripheral nerve is usually located in every person’s arms and legs, and they play a crucial task in muscle control during movements and rest. The technician will insert electrodes into your muscles to measure individuals’ activity during movements and rest. The EMG helps the specialist detect spinal cord, muscle, or nerve disorders.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
The process measures the electrical activity of an individual’s brain. EEG is mainly used to diagnose a person’s brain disorders such as tumors, seizures, injuries, inflammation, and psychiatric disorders. The technician places the electrodes that look like small cups on the patient’s scalp. You should avoid stimulants a day before the test to have optimum results. One advantage of the scalp over the EMG is that it does not cause discomfort.
Questions to ask a Neurologist
You can ask the neurologist the following questions to boost your understanding of your condition.
· What is my diagnosis?
· What are the available treatment options?
· What are the benefits and weaknesses of the proposed treatment option(s)?
· How long do I expect to take before I resume my normal activities?
· Should I look for a second opinion?
How to choose a neurologist?
The following are the measures that can help to get the best neurologist;
· Get referrals from the primary doctor, friends, and family members
· Investigate the neurologist credentials
· Look at the specialists’ hospitality quality
· Look at other patients’ reviews.