Top 5 Crucial Tips to Ensure a Healthy Colon

Talking about pooping pain or anal itching can be embarrassing, and common signs of colorectal complications. Fortunately, proctologists are highly skilled in dealing with such issues, and you can be free to share your experiences. The proctology Astoria specialists offer individualized care and give you the attention you need. Feel free to seek the help you need. Colon cancer can be effectively managed when caught early through screening. Working with a proctologist can help you manage and avoid common issues within your colon and rectum. Here are some essential tips to help you make the right choices.

Seek Colon Cancer Screening if You Are Over 45

Colon cancer risks increase with age, and there are great chances of developing the complication once you get over 45. Although you must not wait until you are 45 to go for a screening, it is essential to get the screening if you are already that age. Remember that early screening for any cancer helps detect the condition in its early stages, making treatments easier. Early screening also allows your doctor to instruct you and guide you to make healthy lifestyle choices to minimize colon cancer risks.

It is Important to Know Your Risk Factors

Some people risk developing colon cancer and other colorectal complications more than others. Identifying one’s risk factors helps make better choices in preventing the conditions. As mentioned earlier, being 45 means your risk of colon cancer is higher. You also have a family history of colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. Talk to your doctor about your medical history to help evaluate your risks and take necessary extra precautions.

Manage Your Weight

Weight management has multiple health benefits. Although you might not control some risk factors of colorectal complications like age and family history, recognize those you can control, including your weight. Being obese or overweight puts you at greater risk for multiple health complications, and it is necessary to discuss with your doctor to understand how it affects your colon health. Also, consult a proper weight management plan with your doctor to help preserve your colon health.

Improve Your Diet

A healthy diet can help cut some risks for colorectal complications. Eating more fresh vegetables and fruits is vital, such as investing in fiber, avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol intake, and avoiding smoked or red beans. Limiting your calorie intake significantly minimizes your risks as you age. Also, it is important to avoid processed meat to preserve your colon health. You can consult your doctor on the proper diet to improve your rectal health and make the right adjustments to your diet.

Invest In Multivitamins

Some minerals and vitamins minimize the chances of colon complications like cancer. Consult your doctor about taking multivitamins to improve the health of your colon. Vitamin D and calcium play a crucial role in preserving your colon health. Look for multivitamins containing the two minerals, and take them as your doctor recommends to help manage colon problems even before they occur.

Learn more about preserving our colon cancer at Surgical Specialists of NY. Medical professionals can also diagnose your symptoms and help you manage them through effective treatments. Make a call today to schedule your appointment.

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