When to See Your Gynecologist

It is recommended that you visit your gynecologist in New York, NY, for screening every year. That is if you suspect you have an issue relating to sexual health, pregnancy, menopause, fertility, urinary incontinence, pelvic inflammation, and menstruation.

Not every vaginal symptom needs treatment. For some mild infections, treatment is straightforward. However, understand a mild vaginal issue may become severe. Further, some vaginal symptoms may indicate a condition requiring immediate attention and treatment.

Below are the signs and symptoms that may warrant a visit to the office of a gynecologist.

The vaginal odor smells unpleasant

Typically, a vagina that is healthy and adequately works releases a slight, odor-free discharge seen mainly on undergarments.

If you see a smelly discharge of unusual color and quantity, it is the right time to visit your gynecologist. The changes may be due to a yeast infection or a sexually transmitted infection.

Burning or itching sensation

You may also need to call your reproductive healthcare giver if confronting agonizing sensations like itching. The excruciating experience may result from different issues such as STIs and an infection.

A more prevalent infection is UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), which, when severe, can cause infection of the kidney. You can minimize the risk of UTIs by drinking plenty of liquids like water and emptying your bladder immediately after intercourse.

If the itching feeling or sensation you experience is after sex, it may be because you are hypersensitive to latex condoms.

A gynecologist will determine the cause of the uncomfortable sensation and the best preventive and treatment solutions.

Painful periods

Many women find the monthly menstrual cycle uncomfortable. Regular periods are accompanied by lower belly cramps, headaches, and breast pain. You can take birth control pills to halt or decrease the symptoms of periods.

Still, periods may even be more painful and last longer due to uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

Uncomfortable sex

You may find it hard to discuss this issue with your gynecologist. However, your doctor is familiar with the issue of painful sex and will willingly listen to you and recommend the right solution, like a lubricant. Vaginal bleeding, dryness, and pain may cause painful lovemaking.


Women of different ages may suffer from accidental feces and or urine leakage. Nonetheless, incontinence is more common in women in their 50s-60s and menopause.

Also, you can experience the condition after childbirth, mainly because the baby was big or the doctor did a vacuum extraction. Potential solutions for incontinence are a change in diet, muscle relaxation, medication, or even surgery.

Breast problems

Some breast issues you may encounter are sensitivity, the release of a discharge, and the formation of a lump. Generally, the conditions may not be severe, particularly if you have not undergone menopause.

Females between 11-24 years of age should see their gynecologists yearly. That may help detect potentially serious vaginal and reproductive issues like cervical and breast cancer, vaginal bleeding and odor, or incontinence. Early detection means it becomes much easier to provide an effective solution.

If you live in New York and suspect that you may have a reproductive issue, contact The Wellness Restoration Center for examination and treatment.

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