Debunking Myths about Birth Control

With so many myths, some individuals may not use the most suitable form of birth control for them, resulting in unwanted pregnancies. Birth control methods include tablets, intrauterine devices (IUDs), condoms, and other barrier devices for those who want to prevent pregnancy. Be aware that there are a lot of rumors and misconceptions about women’s health, and birth control is no exception. This is why you need the help of Dr. Torres OBGYN, a reputable gynecologist to help make an informed decision.  

Take a look at these frequent birth control misconceptions

Birth control will make you gain weight

Everyone has their unique personality quirks. A woman’s response to birth contraception might vary widely. The fact is that hormonal birth control does not cause weight gain, according to studies. At least one young woman acquaintance claims that birth control has caused her to acquire weight. It is very uncommon for women to begin birth control when their bodies are undergoing other changes, making it simple to attribute such changes to the birth control itself. Talk to your doctor if you are still worried about gaining weight while on hormonal birth control. Non-hormonal birth control, such as the copper IUD, may be an option.

Birth control prevents STIs

There are no guarantees when preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs), even when using barrier techniques like condoms. When a condom is not used, the herpes virus may live on exposed genital skin. To avoid sexually transmitted infections, other kinds of birth control are worthless. Nothing, not even IUDs or surgical sterilization, keeps you safe from disease. When using this method of birth control, speak to your doctor about measures to lower your chance of contracting an STD.

While on your period, you are unable to get pregnant

Contrary to popular belief, it may not be safe for women to engage in sexual activity now because of the possibility of becoming pregnant. Ovulation can occur sooner than planned. If you ovulate early, sperm may remain in your body for many days, making it feasible for you to get pregnant several days after unprotected intercourse.

The use of oral contraceptives increases your risk of developing cancer

Women’s health includes a significant focus on cancer prevention. Might Oral contraceptives cause cancer? That is one of those birth control lies you should quit believing. Certain forms of cancer, such as endometrial and ovarian, may be prevented by hormonal birth control. Your doctor can do cancer screenings while you are at the office for birth control.

Risk of infertility or a delayed return to fertility

Fertility is not a side effect of the combined oral contraceptive. Regardless of how long a woman has been on the pill, how many children she has had, or her age, this is the case. Among the pill’s non-contraceptive advantages are its ability to prevent diseases of the pelvis, endometriosis, and ectopic pregnancy. There is no indication that COCs delay the resumption of a woman’s fertility after she stops taking them.

Although you know the truth, it may still be challenging to determine which birth control method is best for you. Your gynecologist can help you understand your choices. The ability to make well-informed decisions about your physical well-being is a gift that keeps giving.

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